Our team of scientists spent countless hours reviewing all the published scientific literature for anything related to memory, cognitive nutrition and performance, attention, focus, even degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. This information was usedas a foundation to formulate MindBoost™ Day with the highest grade and most effective ingredietns.

What we are saying is what the studies show… a commitment to taking MindBoost™ Day daily will significantly improve your memory, sharpen your focus and concentration by improving the health of the neurotransmitters in your brain.  Cleaning and clearing the roads your neurons travel on, so they can fire faster, communicate better and slow down the age related memory loss.

We have literally hundreds of studies on the ingredients in MindBoost™ Day, read what they say below:

“Our findings suggest that citicoline may improve attentional performance in middle-aged women and may ameliorate attentional deficits associated with central nervous system disorders."
Improved Attentional Performance Following Citicoline Administration in Healthy Adult Women – Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2012

 “suggest that the administration of oral citicoline may be of use in reversing age-related changes in the brain.”
Psychopharmacology. 161(3):248-54, 2002 May.

“Invariably, all outcome variables showed consistent and steady improvement with regard to stress symptoms, fatigue, quality of life, mood, concentration, disability, functional impairment and overall therapeutic effect. Improvements were observed even after 3 days of treatment, as were continuing improvements after 1 and 4 weeks.”
Phytotherapy Research, Volume 26, Issue 8, August 2012

“The effects of Rhodiola rosea preparations have been documented in an extensive body of research and medical experience, as enhancing mental performance in stressful situations.”
Phytomedicine, Vol. 7(2), pp. 85-89

“Additionally, this study is the first to demonstrate clinically that Rhodiola exerts its beneficial health effects on stress induced disorders by modulation of the most important stress marker, namely, cortisol.”
Planta Med. 2009 Feb.